Thank you for agreeing to be a Carter G. Woodson Distinguished Lecturer for The Journal of African American History.

We are currently gathering information from our lecturers to be included in the brochure for the lectureship and for various mailings.

Please provide us with the following information.

We plan to have the brochure available for the upcoming ASALH Annual Meeting to be held in Milwaukee, WI, September 23-28.
Therefore, we would like to receive this information from you by 1 August 2003.

Thank you for your support of The Journal of African American History.

Best Wishes,
V.P Franklin, Editor, JAAH
Steven T. Zemke, Editorial Assistant, JAAH

Brief profile (3-6 sentences) with biographical information (past and current positions, schooling, major publications, etc.)

Titles for lectures (2-3) you would be willing to deliver

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

First Name:

Last Name:


Address 1:

Address 2:

City: State: Zip Code:

Daytime phone number:

